Betty überrascht Matt mit einer Ausstellung seiner Bilder. Verwundert stellt sie fest, dass auf den Bildern nur sie zu sehen ist. Noch dazu stammen die Bilder aus der Zeit, als Matt sie in keinem allzu guten Licht gesehen hat … Während Hilda sich nicht sicher ist, ob sie Bobby von ihrer Schwangerschaft erzählen soll, tun Wilhelmina und Daniel alles, um Hartley aus dem Verlag zu verbannen.
When Betty becomes concerned that she and Matt are spending too much time together, she tries to give him something else to be passionate about -- a surprise gallery showing of his art work -- with unintended results. Meanwhile, Marc is horrified that his one-night stand, Troy, is falling for him, since Marc was Troy's "first", Hilda grapples with whether or not to tell Bobby that he's the father of her unborn child, and Cal officially replaces Wilhelmina with Denise. Jesse Tyler Ferguson returns as Betty's orthodontist, Dr. Farkas, for a cameo, and Christine Ebersole guest stars as Frances, the gallery owner.
Troy, l'ancien copain de Marc, retrouve ce dernier chez Mode. Betty visite son orthodontiste. Hilda apprend une grande nouvelle. Matt fait une surprise à Betty. On connaît enfin l'identité de la personne qui remplacera Wilhelmina…
Betty ha bisogno di un po' di tempo lontana da Matt, e fa in modo da tenerlo occupato con qualcos'altro. Intanto Hilda deve prendere una decisione difficile.
Betty teme estar passando muito tempo com Matt; Hilda pensa em compartilhar algumas notícias com Bobby; Cal contrata substituto de Wilhelmina.