Ko se Črt po tridesetih letih vrne v rojstno vas prodati dediščino, se enodnevni posel razvije v odkrivanje preteklosti in skrivnostnih dogodkov, ki so zaznamovali kraj.
Črta so kot otroka poslali od doma. Trideset let kasneje se po očetovi smrti vrne v vas, da bi prodal podedovano hišo in gozd. Še preden mu uspe urediti prodajo, ugotovi, da je na pokopališču pokopan samo oče, ne najde pa groba svoje davno umrle mame. Skrivnostna preteklost družine in okoliščine, ko se zaplete z domačini, ga prisilijo da noč preživi v Trigradu.
When Crt returns to his native village after thirty years to sell his heritage, the one-day business develops into discovering the past and the mysterious events that marked the place. Crt was sent from home as a child. Thirty years later, after his father's death, he returns to the village to sell his inherited house and forest. Even before he manages to arrange a sale, he finds out that only his father is buried in the cemetery, but he cannot find the grave of his long-dead mother. The family's mysterious past and the circumstances when he gets involved with the locals force him to spend the night in Trigrad.