The Boy Detectives' Club arrives at the Space Expo. Hanasaki and Kobayashi board the shuttle for the craft in the sky that Twenty Faces uses as his base, where Akechi is being held captive, but the shuttle is blown up and the two of them are held in place by security robots. Inoue and the others face off against the special security force, but they're at a disadvantage. Just when they thought all hope was lost, Ohtomo drills his way up from the ground in a vehicle being used as a Space Expo exhibit, but their relief is short-lived...
El Club de Niños Detectives llega a la Space Expo. Hanasaki y Kobayashi abordan el transbordador de la nave en el cielo que Twenty Faces usa como base, donde Akechi está cautivo, pero el transbordador explota y los dos son mantenidos en su lugar por robots de seguridad. Inoue y los demás se enfrentan a la fuerza de seguridad especial, pero están en desventaja.
아케치를 사로잡은 이십면상. 하나사키와 코바야시는 하늘로 떠오른 이십면상의 아지트로 향하기 위해 셔틀을 타려 하는데...