Mari und Mirai sind weiter auf dem Heimweg und für Mirai ist auch Yuuki dabei, denn sie hat seinen Tod noch nicht realisiert und stellt ihn sich in ihrer Fantasie weiter vor. Mari tut Mirais Verlust und ihre Hallutinationen von Yuuki in der Seele weh, aber sie muss auch an ihre Familie denken und nimmt Mirai mit auf die Suche. Mari macht sich inzwischen große Sorgen um ihre Mutter und ihre Toch...
Mari finally reaches her home, only to find out that her house was destroyed and the fate of her mother and daughter remains unknown. Mirai and Yūki decides to help and discover that there is a near by elementry that is caring for the resident. On arrival Mari believes that two unknown bodies were those of her mother and daughter, thus mourning for a period of time. But Yūki, who believes that Mari mother and daughter are still alive, convince his sister to help look for them. Mari's daughter is discovered in a near by elementary school, that was also a shelter to the resident. Mari is reunited with her daughter, but still has no idea where her mother could have been. Mari discover her mother at a hospital and is reunited. Mirai, feeling happy for Mari, decides to leave with Yuki to go to their parents. Before leaving, Mirai writes a note to Mari thanking her for all that she has done for them.
Mari raggiunge finalmente casa sua per scoprire che è stata distrutta e che non si sa niente di sua madre e sua figlia. Mirai e Yuki decidono di aiutarla e scoprono che i residenti sono tutti in una scuola elementare vicino.
Мари, Мирай и «Юки» добираются до места жительства женщины. В расположившейся в близлежащей школе покойницкой Мари принимает тела двоих погибших за свою семью. Однако Мирай удаётся отыскать и мать и дочь Мари, которые, как оказывается, выжили. Обещая встретиться с женщиной снова, Мирай и «её брат» отправляются в путь, оставляя Мари с семьёй в больнице.
Mari finalmente llega a su casa para encontrar que estaba destruido. Mirai y Yuki aprenden que los residentes están siendo atendidos en una escuela primaria cercana. Allí, se encuentran dos cuerpos desconocidos que Mari cree que son su madre y su hija, y se lamenta de sus muertes.