Ein unbekannter Feind möchte, dass Yami wieder zur erbarmungslosen Attentäterin wird und ihren Auftrag erfüllt, Rito Yuuki zu töten. Als Yami von Momo den Vorschlag erhält, doch auch Schülerin zu werden, sieht sie dies als gute Chance Rito näher ins Visier zu nehmen. Auch Mea probiert die ehemalige Killerin Golden Darkness durch Intrigen an ihren Auftrag zu erinnern...
Mea speaks with the mysterious voice about her day. The voice reminds Mea about her job; killing Rito and reverting Yami back to an assassin. Meanwhile, Momo warns the dangers of Yami to Rito and convinces him that Yami may change back and kill him anytime. Next, Momo is surprised to see Mikan invite Yami over for cooking lessons. Nana also comments about making a new friend to Lala. During the dinner service, Rito freaks out over Yami's Taiyaki soup and thinks she may have set a trap. He nearly vomits and asks to go shopping.
During bedtime, Rito finds Momo in his bed. Momo warned Rito earlier that she must protect Rito to allow the harem plan to progress. Yami may kill Rito in his sleep. As Rito tries to sleep, Momo caresses him every way, forcing Rito to shove her aside. As Rito later takes a drink, Yami asks Rito for a talk. Yami explains about her cooking lessons and compares it to her attacks. Momo mistakens it for an assault and jumps down to defend Rito. Yami only wanted to know if Rito enjoyed her Taiyaki soup.
The next day, Yami also becomes enrolled. Mea finds with Yami and explains how she is Yami's sister with similar abilities. During class, Yami does not get along with other students and blocks people from befriending her. Momo offers to help but get rejected too. Meanwhile, Mea asks Nana about Rito. Nana simply replies, "He's a beast." Her rambling comments about Rito only interests Mea, who then goes to find Rito herself. Momo then talks to Mikado-sensei, who loved Yami being enrolled. She tells Momo how Yami's lifestyle has been nothing except fighting. While Yami is sitting on a bench wondering about her feelings Yui approaches Yami and tells her that not understanding their own feelings is normal, and she too does not understand her own feelings. Then Nana asks Yami if she's seen Mea. While Rito is asleep on the roof Mea climbs on top of Rito and whispers how she'll be able to know what he's truly like once they are "joined together".
L'incident au lycée durant lequel Ombre a été attaquée a-t-il affecté cette dernière ? L'inconnu caché derrière cette agression cherche clairement à ce qu'Ombre reprenne sa mission initiale : tuer Rito Yûki. Suite à une promesse de longue date faite par Mikan, Ombre est venue passer la nuit chez Rito. Elle décidé également de s'inscrire dans le même lycée que notre héros. Les occasions pour assassiner le jeune homme semblent augmenter. Que va-t-il advenir de notre lycéen terrorisé par les filles ?
先日リトを襲った謎の敵の目的は、ヤミを本来の殺し屋に戻すことだった! ヤミを信頼しつつも、どこか不安をぬぐえないリトとモモ。そこに美柑に料理を習うため、ヤミが結城家を訪れる。まるでリトを狙うかのような包丁使い、ふるまわれる謎のたい焼き入りみそ汁…と、ヤミの真意が分からないリトは緊張の連続に…!!
Mea habla con la misteriosa voz sobre su día. La voz le recuerda a Mea sobre su trabajo; matar a Rito y convertir a Yami en un asesino. Mientras tanto, Momo advierte a Rito de los peligros de Yami y lo convence de que Yami puede volver a cambiar y matarlo en cualquier momento. A continuación, Momo se sorprende al ver a Mikan invitar a Yami a clases de cocina. Nana también comenta sobre hacer un nuevo amigo para Lala. Durante el servicio de la cena, Rito se asusta con la sopa Taiyaki de Yami y piensa que puede haber tendido una trampa. Casi vomita y pide ir de compras. Durante la hora de dormir, Rito encuentra a Momo en su cama. Momo le advirtió a Rito antes que debía proteger a Rito para permitir que el plan del harén progresara. Yami puede matar a Rito mientras duerme. Mientras Rito intenta dormir, Momo lo acaricia en todos los sentidos, lo que obliga a Rito a empujarla a un lado. Mientras Rito toma un trago más tarde, Yami le pide a Rito que hable.