Sometime in future Japan, androids have been involved in every aspect of peoples lives. One day, upon checking his android's behavioral log, Rikuo, a student, noticed his android's returning times have been odd recently. With his friend Masaki, they found out the place where his android, Sammy, have been visiting: a small cafe called Eve no Jikan where androids and human are not seen as different. Upon talking with the "people" in the cafe and discovering more of Sammy's behavior, Rikuo changed his view about androids and treat them as friends rather than tools. At the same time, elsewhere in Japan, the Ethics committee is trying to impose policies to reduce the involvement and use of androids in society.
『イヴの時間 劇場版』は、2010年3月6日より再編集に新作シーンを加えた1st.シーズン完全版として、テアトル新宿および池袋テアトルダイヤで上映された劇場作品。2010年4月3日には大阪・テアトル梅田でも公開。配給はアスミック・エース。キャッチコピーは『ボクラノキョリ』。
「I have a dream」
作詞・作曲・編曲 - 梶浦由記 / 歌 - Kalafina