Due to helping Elsie capturing spirits, Keima has gather a large backlog of new games he hasn't played. So on Sunday, he plans to finish all the games in his room by playing 6 games at the same time by going into "God of Conquest Mode" which enables him to play multiple games at the same time with impressive speed, while still managing to logically make the right choices and enjoy each game individually but suffers from Burnout later. Elsie finds this impressive yet bewilder and leaves him alone. Realizing he cannot finish all of his game at this pace, Keima decides to up the ante by playing 24 games at once while in "God of Conquest Mode". Keima finally manages to finish all of his backlog games except one as he is too tired to continue but he soon start hallucinating where all of the game girls he captured encourage him not to give up. Rejuvenated, he finally finishes the last game and "follow" his game girls into the game world where they all sing and dance together. The episode ends with an announcement for the second season of the anime and a new character introduced.
次々とゲームを攻略していく桂馬は正に神!! 数時間が経ち、心配するエルシィの忠告もきかずゲームを続けた桂馬だったが、ついに体力の限界か意識が遠のき始めて……もう限界かと思われた時、彼の目に映ったのは…!?
항상 카케다마 사냥에 쫓기고 있어서인지 케이마의 방은 미공략 갸루게로 가득하고...케이마는 쌓여있는 갸루게를 처리하기 위해 함락신모드로 발동! 차례차례로 게임을 공략해 나가는 그는 정말로 신!!여러시간 게임을 하던 케이마는 걱정하는 엘시의 충고도 무시한채 계속해서 게임을 하고 있는데…마침내 체력의 한계로 인해 케이마는 의식이 멀어지기 시작한다.이제 한계인가?...하고 생각되었을 때 그의 눈에 비친 것은···?!
Terminada la conquista de Shiori, Keima se toma un merecido descanso. Durante este descanso se intenta poner al día con todos los juegos que se le acumularon y para eso utiliza el "modo de Dios de la Conquista".