Shiori locks herself and barricades the library to prevent the Library committee from disposing the library books for the Media room. As the committee tries to get inside, Shiori fall asleep and dreams how her love for books began until she is awoken by Keima who manages to enter the Library via a hole at the rooftop made by Elsie. Keima has come to support Shiori in her protest and stays close to her. The Library committee cuts the power to the library, surprising Shiori and causing the books around them to fall over them. As she hugs Keima, Shiori tells him only he understand her love for books and reasons for protecting them. However, Keima calls her liar and tells her she didn't barricade herself to protect her books but herself to the world. Keima knows she always wanted to talk to people but her fears of being misunderstood prevented that which is why she reads books as an escape from the real world. Troubled with this revelation, Shiori feels unsure on what to do until Keima drags her out of the rumble of books, tells her he'll be her support and kisses her, which releases the spirit. As the Library committee finally enters the library, Shiori finally speaks up for herself explain her reasons which the committee agrees to have a meeting about the dispose books. In the epilogue, Shiori feels like she has forgotten someone who was with her during her protest so she writes a story on what she remembers.
도서관에서는 시청각 부스 도입으로 일부 책들을 처분하기로 결정이 났다.정말 좋아하는 책이 버려진다고 생각하자 견딜 수 없는 소녀는 바리게이트를 만들고 도서관에 틀어박혀 버렸다!소녀의 무언의 항의 운동에도 아랑곳하지않고 책의 처분 작업을 진행시키려 도서관에 침입하는 위원장들.그 힘에 밀려 마음이 약해져 가는 소녀 앞에 갑자기 나타난 케이마.그는 소녀를 구제하러 온건지, 아니면...
Shiori se arma de valor y se encierra en la biblioteca para evitar que tiren unos libros y que se arme una sala de audiovisuales. Es la oportunidad perfecta para que Keima termine con la conquista...