Vočkovi zavřel hygienik hospodu do té doby, než tam dá vše do pořádku. Homerovi je ho líto, a tak se rozhodne vzít si hypotéku, aby mu pomohl. Marge se to dotkne a vzhledem k tomu, že je spoluručitelka, chce být i spolumajitelka. Od té chvíle se začnou dít věci...
Als Moes Taverne vom Gesundheitsamt geschlossen wird, gibt Homer seinem Freund ein Darlehen, für das er mit seinem Haus bürgt. Marge ist empört über Homers rücksichtsloses Verhalten. Um die Investition im Auge zu behalten, steigt sie bei Moe als Partnerin ein. Die beiden verstehen sich von Tag zu Tag besser, aber als sie gemeinsam zu einem Geschäftstermin fliegen, wird es Homer zu bunt. Von Eifersucht geplagt, versucht er, Marge mit all seiner Liebe zurückzugewinnen.
The family is celebrating by having brunch at a fancy restaurant; Homer has finally paid off the mortgage. Lisa and Bart get into a food fight, embarrassing Homer. Homer goes to Moe's, where a visit from the health inspector, results in his death from eating one of Moe's pickled eggs. The new health inspector comes down hard and Moe's is closed until the violations are cleared up. The regulars hold an Irish wake for the demise of Moe's. Homer decides to help Moe reopen his bar; and he gets a new mortgage for their home. When Marge finds out, as a new co-owner she goes with Homer to the bar and tells Moe that there are going to be changes until he pays them back. On Homer's next visit, he finds Marge behind the bar, protecting their investment. She sends him home to take care of the kids, while she sells Moe on the idea of remodeling the place into an English pub. The new place opens and is a success; the kids tell Homer that they've noticed that Marge is spending more time at Moe's than he ever did. Homer becomes worried; but Marge tells him there is nothing to worry about. They go to a movie together, but they are joined by Moe. Homer is more worried than ever; Lenny and Carl tell Homer that Marge and Moe are having an emotional affair. When Marge and Moe are leaving to go to a convention together in Aruba, Homer makes a mad dash to the airport and gets to the airplane as it is taxing down the runaway. He confronts Moe, but Moe makes him realize that he really doesn't know that much about his wife. Homer concedes defeat, but Marge tells Moe that she doesn't love him. She tells Homer that she is totally committed to him. In Aruba, Marge makes Moe realize that he might be able to make a woman happy some day with a few changes. Marge realizes that no one is home watching the kids, but the kids aren't at home as Bart has them entered in a European balloon race.
Terveystarkastajat sulkevat Moen baarin, mutta Homerin avokätisyyden ansiosta se avataan uudelleen. Kun Marge alkaa viettää yhä enemmän aikaa Moen kanssa, Homerin on ryhdyttävä tositoimiin avioliittonsa pelastamiseksi.
Pour fêter le jour où Homer a terminé de rembourser le prêt immobilier, les Simpson vont manger au restaurant. Plus tard, Homer se rend chez Moe histoire de se remettre du repas qui a été gâché par les enfants. Au même moment, un inspecteur de la santé, ancien ami de Moe, vient dans le bar pour une inspection surprise. Malheureusement, il meurt empoisonné en mangeant un œuf dans le bocal. Un autre inspecteur, beaucoup plus sévère, ferme le bar de Moe pour d'évidentes raisons d'hygiène. Homer décide alors de faire un nouveau prêt pour aider Moe à réaménager et réouvrir son bar. Marge décide elle aussi d'épauler Moe et le convainc de transformer son bar en pub anglais. Le succès qu'il rencontre entraîne Marge et Moe à passer beaucoup de temps ensemble, ce qui a tendance à rendre Homer jaloux...
Dopo il solito pasticcio di Homer, Marge si ritrova co-proprietaria del locale di Boe e si mette dietro il bancone a spillare birra.
A família comemora ter conseguido pagar a hipoteca da casa. Homer vai até ao bar de Moe mas está lá um inspector que acaba por fechar o bar. Homer, para ajudar Moe a reabrir o bar, hipoteca novamente a casa da família. Quando Marge descobre, decide ir com Homer para o bar para poder gerir o investimento feito. Marge começa a passar mais tempo no bar e decide remodelar o espaço. Lenny e Carl dizem a Homer que Marge tem um caso emocional com Moe e quando os dois estavam prestes a embarcar para uma convenção rumo a Aruba, Homer faz um escândalo no aeroporto. Marge diz que não gosta de Moe e tudo se resolve com Homer.
Когда санитарный инспектор, старый друг Мо, умирает, его заменяют на жесткого инспектора, который закрывает бар, и требует чтобы Мо исправил найденные нарушения. Гомер решает повторно заложить свой дом, чтобы заплатить за ремонт бара Мо. Однако когда Мардж узнает об этом, она становится деловым партнером Мо, и решает превратить бар в британский паб, который начинает пользоваться успехом.
Moe se ve forzado a cerrar su taberna tras una inspección de sanidad, pero Homero decide ayudarle a reformarla hipotecando la casa de los Simpson sin ni siquiera comentarlo con su mujer. Marge, obviamente disgustada, decide hacerse cargo de la supervisión de la reforma de la taberna y acaba haciéndose amiga de Moe, con quien forma una dinámica pareja empresarial. Moe pretende llevar la amistad con su socia hacia algo más mientras Homero teme por su matrimonio.
Homer hipoteca sua casa para salvar o bar de Moe, mas Marge acaba tomando conta do negócio e passa tanto tempo com Moe que Homer começa a temer por seu casamento.
Amikor a közegészségügyi ellenőr meghal, Moe megtapasztalja, hogy az utódja nem ugyanolyan barátságos. Hogy segítsen megmenteni Moe kocsmáját, Marge angol pubbá alakítja azt. Ám Homer félni kezd attól, hogy Marge-nak és Moe-nak „lelki viszonya” van.
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