After finishing the third station of the Ryuo War, Yaichi is impatient because he can't even reward his masters. I can't afford to think about the fact that I fell down with a fever. He refused even Ginko's best advice. Every day I'm lonely, staying in my room and immersing myself in my research. Hoping for Yaichi's revival, Katsura leaves a note asking him to watch his game. The next Mynavi main race is a big chance for Katsura to become a female shogi player. What does she want to tell Yaichi through the game?
Alors que Yaichi continue à étudier pour trouver un moyen de vaincre le Meijin, les deux Ai et Keika continuent leur parcours au Mynavi Joshi Open...
연속으로 패한 용왕전 때문에 신경이 곤두선 야이치는 그를 걱정해 찾아온 긴코에게마저 심한 말을 하고 마는데.
Mientras Yaichi sigue enfrascado en sus preocupaciones por conservar el título, las chicas de su alrededor se preocupan por él y avanzan en sus vidas, sirviéndole como ejemplo.