My Navi Women's Open Qualifying. Aito, who has enough energy, won the first round. The next opponent Ai will play against is the title holder of the female throne, "Ikazuchi of the Handling", the sacred thunder. Thunder is obsessed with Yaichi and asks for a reply to his confession. Yaichi cannot imagine the future in which Ai will win due to the difference in ability between Thunder and Ai, but on the other hand, Ai vowed that he would never lose today for some reason. Can Ai break the thunder! ??
Le premier tour des qualifications du Mynavi Joshi Open commence ! Ai va devoir affronter la terrible Ika...
마이나비 여자 오픈 일제 예선이 열리는 날, 야이치와 긴코는 예선의 해설을 맡았다. 두 아이는 무사히 예선 결승에 진출했지만, 첫 제자인 아이의 다음 상대가 무려 여류제위 사이노카미 이카였는데.
Ai enfrenta a la egoísta y sádica Ika Sainokami en el My Navi. Ika está obsesionada con Yaichi, lo que le complica explicar a su hermana y discípula la relación que tiene con ella.