Home / Series / The Red Skelton Show / Aired Order / Season 19 / Episode 28

Stone Walls Do Not a Prison Make - So They Added Iron Bars

Red and guest Cesar Romero appear as Bolivar Shagnasty and Butch, a pair of jailed convicts who effect an impromptu prison escape. In another sketch, Willie Lump Lump (Red) is a drunk who agrees to watch Clint Howard's juice stand, but ends up spiking the lemonade. Lastly, in "the Silent Spot," Red is Pops, a school crossing guard who is depressed when it seems no one cares that he is retiring.

  • Originally Aired April 7, 1970
  • Runtime 25 minutes
  • Network NBC
  • Notes Is a season finale
  • Created November 11, 2018 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified June 6, 2024 by
Name Type Role
Cesar Romero Guest Star
Clint Howard Guest Star
Brenda Thompson Guest Star