Und weiter geht es in dem spektakulären und sehr glamourösen Wettkampf zum neuen Jahr in Nanba. Es steht das Finale bevor und in diesem wird Trakt 13 wirklich mal eine Überraschung hinnehmen müssen …
Cell 13 has advanced their way to the final event of the New Year’s Tournament. Jyugo and Hajime are battling against the Building 4 supervisor, Kenshirou Yozakura, and an inmate named Musashi. Jyugo is surprised to see Musashi again. Musashi, in search for the “man with the scar on his neck,” attacks Jyugo mercilessly. Soon as Jyugo hears about the man with the scar on his neck, something odd starts happening to his body.
La Cella 13 arriva all'ultima competizione del torneo di capodanno. Jyugo e Hajime si scontrano contro il supervisore dell'Edificio 4, Kenshirou Yozakura e un prigioniero di nome Musashi.