Thanksgiving steht vor der Tür und Bryan und David wollen eigentlich allein feiern. Als sich jedoch nicht nur Davids Mutter darüber beschwert, lädt das Paar die Verwandtschaft doch ein. Das Chaos nimmt seinen Lauf: Davids frisch getrennte Eltern lassen die Fetzen fliegen. Goldie und Rockys Bruder Clint müssen ihre zarte Liebelei vor dem Noch-Ehemann der Blondine verbergen. Und Goldies Großmutter Jane probt den Aufstand, als sie erfährt, dass es einen Tofu-Truthahn gibt.
After recalling the disastrous dinners of Thanksgivings past, Bryan, David, Goldie, Shania and Rocky decide that this year they are going to enjoy the holiday with their new family. Later, after realizing the horrible fates of the turkeys at the farm a sensitive Shania and Bryan pardon all of them and take them home as new pets. The move prompts a meat-free dinner menu and in the spirit of the pardon encourages everyone to invite over family and friends that they need to make amends with. David invites his mother and his father, while Bryan extends an olive branch to Jane, Goldie reaches out to Clay and Rocky puts aside her political differences with her brother Clint. Though the pre-dinner festivities seem to be cheerful it doesn't take long for personalities to clash and for this Thanksgiving to go to the birds.
Bryan ja David järjestävät kotonaan kiitospäiväillallisen. Shania keksii, että jokainen voisi kutsua paikalle itselleen tärkeän ihmisen, jonka kanssa ei tule tällä hetkellä toimeen. David kutsuu vanhempansa, Goldie ex-miehensä ja Bryan pyytää paikalle Goldien mummin.
La fête de Thanksgiving se prépare. Mais quand Shania éprouve des remords à sacrifier une dinde, elle propose à Bryan une alternative végétarienne.
החבורה מתכנסת לדון בתכניות שלהם לקראת חג ההודיה ונזכרת בחגיגות שלהם משנים עברו.
Bryan, David, Goldie, Shania e Rocky ricordano dei terribili Giorni del Ringraziamento del loro passato e così decidono di festeggiare insieme alla loro nuova famiglia. Purtroppo Shania e Bryan non ce la fanno a vedere uccidere i tacchini che sono andati a comprare alla fattoria e decidono di portarseli a casa come animali da compagnia. I ragazzi organizzano un menu privo di carne e invitano le persone con le quali hanno delle questioni in sospeso. David invita i suoi genitori, Bryan sotterra l'ascia di guerra con Jane, Goldie contatta Clay mentre Rocky decide di mettere da parte le differenze politiche con suo fratello Clint.