The Legislator suddenly shows up at the Mononokean. Angered by the Executive's harsh treatment of his subordinate and employee of the Mononokean Ashiya, he has made a bet with the Executive and wagered Ashiya's banishment from the Underworld. However, Ashiya himself is hesitant about re-entering the Underworld... Meanwhile, Abeno and Ashiya's classmate Fujiwara Zenko's priest father has been hired by the president of the neighborhood association to investigation a location where a ghost has allegedly appeared, but--?
Le Législateur, mis au courant des démêlés du Repaire avec le Gouverneur, veut donner à Ashiya une chance de mettre fin à son bannissement. Pour ce faire, il lui propose un petit jeu.
어느 날 갑자기 입법이 모노노케안을 찾아온다. 입법은 자신이 관리하는 모노노케안의 고용인인 아시야에게 행정이 저승 출입을 금지시킨 것에 화가 났고 그걸 풀기 위해 행정과 내기를 한다. 하지만 당사자인 아시야는 저승에 가는 것에 거부감을 느끼고 있었는데…
Ashiya continua seu treinamento com Abeno e recebe a visita do Legislador para um acordo inesperado.