That day, Anos had a dream about a time that he lived together with a young girl. The young girl is strangely also named Arcana…. Furthermore, the fact that the Draconids called the fusion of Sasha and Misha the Goddess of Absurdity, Genedonov, was also a problem. To investigate the piling mysteries, Anos decides to take a special class in the Underground World. And as a special lecturer, Anos teaches the student of Demon King Academy himself!?
Arcana tente de raviver les souvenirs qu'Anos a oubliés, mais sa façon de faire est assez déconcertante pour tout le monde.
Con la ayuda de Arcana, Anos intenta recuperar sus recuerdos perdidos. Mientras tanto, se llevan a cabo los preparativos para el entrenamiento del rey demonio.
Mit Hilfe von Arcana versucht Anos, seine verlorenen Erinnerungen zurückzuerlangen. In der Zwischenzeit laufen die Vorbereitungen für das Dämonenkönigtraining.