A hockey match between Willbit, Lillibit, Snagglebit, Chip, and Browniebit; vs. a bully named Ivn and his teammates decides the fate of a baby raccoon. Lillibit let's the raccoon go without telling anyone. At first her friends are mad at her, but then Willibit assures them that she only did what she thought was best for the raccoon. It's a good thing to because when the ice on the lake breaks the baby raccoon and his family come to rescue the children.
הילדים מוצאים דביבון פצוע, וטיפטיפ רוצה לטפל בו. איבן וקבוצתו טוענים שהדביבון שלהם. לאחר ויכוח מוחלט שהקבוצה המנצחת במשחק ההוקי קרח תקבל את הדביבון.
Un gruppo di giovani sbruffoni ha colpito un procione che ora è ferito. Pur di lasciarlo libero Belfy propone una gara per stabilire la sorte del procione. Intanto l'animale viene curato e lasciato libero, ma la gara di okey sul ghiaccio si movimenta troppo.