Snagglebit has always tried to impress Lillibit. He tries to impress her with his sledding skills by letting her ride with him, but unfortunatly the sled ends up crashing into Elderbit. Elderbit tells them to watch out for such behavior or the Legendary Snow Woman will get them. Willibit comes over in time to see what happened after Elderbit leaves. Snagglebit says he isn't scared by Elderbit's storey, but Lillibit says that she "sees a castle" in her dreams. Lillibit wonders if there really is a castle over the mountain ridge. Snagglebit looks up in the sky and then gets an idea.
טיפטיפ עפה עם עפיפון, כשלפתע ניתק החוט והיא נעלמת בכיוון העמק של מלכת השלג. טיפטיפון יוצא לחפשה ומוצא אותה בבית מלכת השלג. טיפטיפון וטיפטיפ בורחים ומאבדים את הדרך.
Dietro la montagna innevata vive una donna che la leggenda descrive come crudele e pericolosa. Belfy capita nella valle dopo un'isolita gita in aquilone, ma quella donna non è come viene descritta. La perdita del figlioletto l'ha portata alla solitudine.