Inspired by the works of Nobel Prize winner Yamanaka Shinya, comes a medical suspense drama that focuses on the cutting-edge medical technology. Set in the infamous Institute of Biomedical Research and Innovation hospital, it tells the story of a medical team, that is made up of doctors from different fields of expertise, age-group and career aspirations. They are the last hope for all the terminally ill patients who are sent there. What does it mean to live?, What does it mean to save a patient? and How far is one supposed to go in the name of medical care?. These are the questions that trouble the team, as they slowly grow as an individual and as a team, helping each other overcome their complexes and their past.
帝都大学医学部附属病院 高度先端医療センター。波多野卓巳、橘歩美、高木淳二、萩原雪代、副島雅臣、古牧利明の6名は、センター長・鳴瀬哲司によって集められた。ここには、他の病院がさじを投げた患者が、最後の望みを賭けて診療にやってくる。重篤な症状の患者を前に、6名はそれぞれの専門知識を使い、治療の方針を導き出していく。
該劇以先進醫療中心為舞台背景,刻畫年齡、經歷都各異的各個領域的醫生結成的醫療團隊的群像劇。是一部交織著過去與現在的謎團的懸疑要素的醫療題材作品,醫生們一邊煩惱著一邊成長的HUMAN DRAMA。由曾推出上戶彩主演的人氣作《絕對零度》系列的濱田秀哉撰寫劇本。