In the chaos of Diwali, Lydia tries to help a mysterious runaway teenager. Ted's search reveals new surprises about the mark he left on India and Jyoti discharges herself, but is she ready to go home?
When a life and death crisis hits the team's own ranks, Gabriel is forced to face his true feelings. Lydia goes to a difficult personal place to help Jyoti get better. As he prepares to leave India, Ted seeks closure.
Ruby is shocked with the unexpected arrival of someone from her past who insists on helping care for her father. Can she really be expected to trust again? A misstep teaches Niki the dangers of overconfidence and Lydia is forced to confront her past in the form of her first husband, the charismatic Dr Jules Fonseca.
A look behind the scenes filming the second year of the show
The cast and crew of The Good Karma Hospital discuss the making of season 4.