Home / Series / The Anthony Cumia Show / Aired Order / Season 2017 / Episode 20

Episode 510 - With Ian Bagg, and Bob DiBuono

Rounding out TACS week a freshly coifed Anthony talks about Alex Jones on Joe Rogan’s podcast, the Milo Yiannopoulos protest at Berkeley, celebrity reactions to the protest, and Gavin comes in to discuss his talk at NYU tonight and the Berkeley protests. We learn about a speaker at the woman’s march who was involved in a torture/murder, Ian Bagg and Bob DiBuono take a seat and they go on to yap about shifting blame, young minds, accents that get you pussy, ghetto ass Action Park in New Jersey, and amusement park deaths. The boys chat about movie remakes, peep holes in rest stops, a Zimbabwe frog baby, chicks getting hairy, giant bushes, the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show allowing cats, transgender Boy Scouts, the word “faggot,” Ian growing up in Canada, old jobs, and “unbelievable” things.

  • Originally Aired February 2, 2017
  • Runtime 85 minutes
  • Created February 3, 2017 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified February 3, 2017 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
Ian Bagg Guest Star
Bob DiBuono Guest Star