Choi Mochimazzi, a fortune teller from Dera's homeland, comes to stay at Tamako's house, revealing that both she and Dera come from the island's royal family. When Choi becomes annoyed by Dera gaining weight and forgetting his mission to find a bride for the island's prince, he claims he is being held against his will, leading her to be distrustful of the good will Tamako and the shopkeepers show towards her. As Choi tells fortunes as a mean's of paying back everyone's kindness, shopkeeper Sayuri Yumoto reveals she is getting married, much to the dismay of tofu shop owner Tomio Shimizu, who had a crush on her. This leads Choi to think about her own unrequited feelings for the prince, leading to her getting a fever after passing out in the bath.
Dela reçoit une visite surprenante, il s’agit de Choi qui a fait le voyage depuis son île pour savoir où en étaient les recherches de l’oiseau. Devenu obèse depuis leur dernière rencontre, Dela se justifie en prétextant qu’il est retenu par Tamako qui l’oblige à manger des mochi...
데라의 고향에서 새로 점을 치는 점술가, 쵸이가 찾아왔다. 형편없이 살 쪄버린 데라를 보고 분노한 쵸이, 살찐 이유를 묻는 그녀에게 '떡이 맛있어서 너무 많이 먹었다'라고는 입이 찢어져도 대답 못 하기에 데라는 마음에도 없는 거짓말을 하고 만다.
Choi Mochimazzi, un adivino de la tierra natal de Dera, trata de estancia en la casa de Tamako, revelando que tanto ella como Dera provienen de la familia real de la isla. Cuando Choi se molesta por Dera aumentar de peso y olvidando su misión de encontrar una novia para el príncipe de la isla, él dice que está siendo retenido contra su voluntad, que la llevó a ser desconfiados de la buena voluntad Tamako y los tenderos mostrar hacia ella.