Die Qualifizierten 30 Spieler werden Random auf einer 10km² großen Map verteilt, mindestens 1km vom nächsten Spieler entfernt. Später überredet Kritio Shinon für eine kurze Waffenruhe, weil Kirito einen Kamp beobachten wollte. Plötzlich taucht Death Gun auf.
While waiting for BoB to begin, Kirito assumes that Death Gun will sign into the tournament under a different name, given the perfect stage for him, and vows to find him and face him again. After much persistence, Kirito is able to convince Sinon to explain to him the details of the BoB royale. After she explains the rules and regulations, Kirito stops Sinon from leaving and asks her whether there were BoB participants that she did not know about. He then finds out that, aside from him, there are three other players who had not participated in the previous tournaments. He then explains her his motivation behind that question, and she theorizes from his explanation that he is an SAO survivor. Later on, during the tournament, Sinon decides to target Dyne and Pale Rider. Having found a sniping position on the west side of the bridge that Dyne had crossed, she prepares to take action, but is stopped by Kirito, who instructs her to not shoot and just watch Dyne and Pale Rider's battle. After Pale Rider defeats Dyne, he is suddenly shot with a silenced stun bullet and, after several moments, the shooter, Death Gun, reveals himself from the bridge. As Death Gun prepares to finish off Pale Rider, Kirito yells at a confused Sinon to shoot him before he does.
Kirito est persuadé que Death Gun sera présent lors du tournoi principal du BoB, et demande un échange d'informations à Sinon, obtenant ainsi une liste de trois noms de participants qui pourraient potentiellement être Death Gun. Sinon, réalisant le rapport entre Death Gun et le comportement bizarre de Kirito, lui demande de s'expliquer...
Il BoB ha finalmente inizio e i trenta giocatori sparsi per il campo di gioco si affrontano fra inseguimenti ed agguati. Mentre Kirito e Sinon si appostano per vedere come si concluderà uno scontro, fa improvvisamente la sua comparsa colui che Kirito sta cercando: Death Gun.
시논은 키리토에게도 깊은 사연이 있다는 것을 어렴풋이 눈치채지만 그럼에도 승부욕을 불태운다. 드디어 시작된 BBO 본선, 시논은 가뿐히 한 명을 잡아내고 이번에는 어부지리를 노린다. 그런데 갑자기 키리토가 나타나서는 상대방의 싸움이 끝날 때까지 기다려 달라고 사정하는데…
Enquanto Sinon encara mais uma etapa do torneio para vencer, Kirito está concentrado em sua missão. E em meio aos tiros e à ação do Bullet of Bullets, há o receio por não saber qual dos participantes é o perigoso Death Gun.
Kirito y Sinon se preparan para entrar al torneo principal del Bullet of Bullets, sin embargo, primero será tiempo de compartir algo de información.