A heard of wild elephants is too hard to pass up for Delos, so when we heard a rumor of an island on the remote West Coast of the Andamans we immediately set sail! After a nights sail and some searching we finally anchored in front of Interview Island. In the middle of no where we found the ranger station just as described and made contact with the small group of guys protecting this awesome place. With our little forestry permit in hand we head off into the interior of Interview Island to meet up with the rangers that live on the island. They tell us if we see any elephants and they charge us to either climb a tree or run in a zig-zag pattern. But they have a big rifle and seem to know their stuff. We trek through the island, go for a swim, and search for wild elephants! With our time running short we pull up the anchor and set sail back to Port Blair. On the passage back we cut through a really narrow channel and have to send Brady up the mast to avoid shout out all theshallow spots. We dodge a few squalls and retur to Port Blair to get ready for our big sail to Cocos Keeling, Australia!