We have a boys day girls day! Brady, Brian and Max take the dinghy on a river adventure back to the town of Mayabunder in order to get a permit to visit Interview Island. In typical man fashion we get our work done in 5 minutes and head to the bar for a morning beer. We meet a crazy Punjabi man at the local pub and he offers to take us on an island adventure, to proudly show off his home island to us. The day turns into a lot of beer drinking, some random adventures, and then a long dinghy ride home during a crazy rain storm. Our Indian breakfast catches up with us so we pull off the river into the jungle to let nature take it's course. We stumble into a massive trail blazed by working elephants and have a really cool intraction. The girls on the other hand decide to have a proper girls day with baking, chilled white wine, movies and massages. Unfortunately the girls use too much power and end up blowing the generator circuit breaker by using the air conditioning which puts a damper on their day. They do a hell of a good job with the massages and baking cookies though!