Nozomi watches a TV commercial about the beach, making everyone else think that Nozomi wants a vacation. Otome takes everyone to a vacation at the beach. Everyone play various games such as beach volleyball to satisfy Nozomi. However, Nozomi only wished for everyone to play together with her. As Takumi and Fumino spend their time together later in the afternoon, rainfall and thunderstorm suddenly occurs. Takumi and Fumino, having gone too far from shore, seek shelter on an island. As Takumi and Fumino are stranded after their boat disappears, they gaze at the stars and remember about their pastime. Chise finds Takumi and Fumino in an embarrassing situation.
ある日、『夏のバカンス特集』というテレビ番組を観ていた希が「楽しそう……」と呟きをもらす。 それをきっかけに、ストレイキャッツ慰安旅行へと行くことになった巧たち一同。
海水浴場についた巧たちは、希の願いを叶えるべく全員で夏のバカンスを満喫する。「楽しかった……」と満足そうな希。 「みんなは?」と聞かれ、笑みを浮かべてうなずき返す巧たち。 その後、千世の思いつきで巧たちは一泊していくことになったのだが……。