Takumi and the others compete in a game of Jenga. Each block contains a command that each person must perform before placing the block on top of the structure. Chise cheats by having Ieyasu reveal safe moves from her supercomputer through finger tapping. Her intention is eliminate all but Takumi, Ieyasu, and her so she could spend more time with Takumi and infuriate Fumino. Takumi and the others want a new mixer as a prize. When Fumino pulls out a block with a revealing command (Kiss someone of opposite gender) and chooses to perform it, Nozomi and Chise try to stop her, making all three of them topple the Jenga structure and allowing Takumi to win. Takumi bought a new uniform for Chise as a prize.
スーパーブロックスと呼ばれる立体パズルゲームは、抜いたブロックに書かれている命令を実行しなければならないという過酷なルール。恥ずかしい命令の数々と、 千世・家康のコンビ技に苦戦をしいられる文乃。しかし、彼女には、どうしても優勝したいという強い想いがあった……。