Pollyanna ist am nächsten Tag schon wieder munter, und das kurze Fieber scheint wie weggeblasen. Trotzdem soll sie vorsichtshalber noch eine Weile im Bett bleiben. Nancy erzählt ihr, dass sie glaubt, dass Herr Pendleton und Mrs. Harrington früher einmal verlobt waren, und heute von allen ein großes Geheimnis daraus gemacht wird. Bei ihrem nächsten Besuch bei Mr. Pendleton erzählt sie ihm davon, doch John Pendleton reagiert anders als sie es erwartet hatte. Am nächsten Tag bittet er Pollyanna erneut zu sich und erzählt ihr endlich die ganze Wahrheit: Er war nicht in Tante Polly, sondern in deren Schwester, Pollyannas Mutter verliebt.
While Nancy is in the general neighborhood to surmise a romantic prologue between John Pendleton and Polly Harrington, there are several fine mechanics that do not quite balance the books that are being lost in the lurch; still, this does not deter Nancy from suggesting the Glad Game as a means to reconcile the lover's quarrel -- a tutorial for which Pollyanna leads Jimmy through once she thwarts his free-fall into the river. Unfortunately for Nancy, Tom congratulates her on the fruit of her computation with a scathing objurgation about the hefty consequences of gossiping unaware that Pollyanna is just as deserving of this lecture when she explains Jimmy this perspective only to find that the proverbial books do not exactly balance; upon arriving at Pendleton-ke, Pollyanna finds that Mr. Pendleton has graduated to crutches and is well on his way to no longer being a recluse -- that is, if Pollyanna will reside with him in spite of having absolutely the wrong idea about the collaborative prologue Polly has with both Mr. Pendleton and Dr. Chilton!!! Galvanized by Mr. Pendleton's prologue of having had a lover, Pollyanna races back home right past Jimmy and her aunt -- the former confused and the latter concerned but elated at the vivaciousness. As evidenced from Dr. Chilton's reaction, Pollyanna and Nancy ultimately end up making the mistake of eagerly collecting the data but incorrectly interpreting the calculation result thereof when they overlook the fact that Polly Harrington is not an only child like Pollyanna is; John Pendleton is pining away for Pollyanna's late mother Jennie Harrington!!!