Der Ort, den das Team als nächstes besucht, scheint die chinesische Mauer zu sein. Doch wieso steht diese auf einem anderen Planeten? Sie sind in einem Museum gelandet, in dem unzählige historische Artefakte und Gebäude der Erde deponiert sind.
Schließlich landen sie in einem Kampf zwischen Napoleon und Caesar, die jedoch Roboter sind. Gus Bonners Geschichtskenntnisse sind der Schlüssel zu ihrer Flucht.
After escaping the Tlak'khan on a jungle world thanks to Harrison's flying skills (sort of), the team arrives on a sulphur-covered planet and bat-like inhabitants, the Har'un. With his jetpack damaged Harrison accepts an invitation to fly with the locals but doesn't do so well. Determined, Harrison keeps trying but is the only one in the group who can't manage. The planet is polluted due to the Tlak'khan's efforts and they send a team to attack - Harrison has to mount up to warn the others and manages to get the hang of it. the Tlak'khan refuse to learn from their mistakes and fall victim to the Har'un's gas bombs.
Su di un pianeta alieno caratterizzato dalla presenza in pianura di pericolose esalazioni sulfuree, la squadra fa amicizia con una razza aliena che per spostarsi si serve di giganteschi rettili alati. Convinto della sua indiscutibile abilità nel volo, Harrison realizza di essere l'unico cadetto a non essere in grado di cavalcare le possenti creature.