Nach den Ereignissen der letzten Zeit, entscheidet sich Gus Bonner das Team auf einen idyllischen Planeten zu führen. Mit schönen Stränden und dem Meer scheint es der perfekte Planet, um sich zu entspannen. Doch es kommt zu Aktivitäten eines Vulkans, welche sich in Erdbeben bemerkbar machen. Dadurch wird Harrison vom Rest des Teams getrennt und begleitet dann einen Akua, der verschiedene Mutproben bestehen muss.
Der Rest des Teams muss feststellen, dass der Vulkan bald ausbricht und sie warnen die Akua. Es benötigt einiges an Überredungskunst, um die Akua, die so viel Wert auf ihre Mutproben legen, allerdings Angst vor Neuem haben, dazu zu bringen, ihre Insel zu verlassen.
Gus brings the gang to Brianna for some rest and relaxation and they're caught in an earthquake. Harrison, separated from his jet pack, is rescued by Havave and helps him on his Kamuna initiation ceremony, while Ec'co discovers the volcano they are near will explode and destroy the local island. Harrison tries to convince Havave not to give in to peer pressure while helping him deliver an egg to a local creature as part of the rite, but they fail. He and Havene meet up with the others and the Akua, Havane's people. The Akua initially refuse to leave but Havane's actions convince them and they accept him despite his failure. The team manage to get to the Gate just in time as the island is destroyed.
Su di un'isola aliena minacciata dall'imminente esplosione di un vulcano, Harrison si imbatte in un giovane che si sta sottoponendo ad un pericoloso rituale di iniziazione al fine di dimostrare il suo valore ed il suo coraggio. Nel frattempo, il Maggiore Bonner prova a convincere il resto della tribù del pericolo che stanno correndo.