In the year 2220 A.D., the Earth Federation launches a plan to evacuate Earth when discovering that a traveling black hole capable of destroying anything in its path is on course towards the solar system. As the people on Earth prepare to relocate to planet Amare, whose ruler offers refuge, the tyrants known as the "S.U.S. Empire" attack the first Earth evacuation fleet. After learning that his wife Capt. Yuki Mori-Kodai disappeared in the battle and that legendary space battleship Yamato has been fully rebuilt, Susumu Kodai accepts command of the ship as he intends to not only help humanity once again, but also find Yuki in the hope of helping his relationship with his daughter Miyuki, who puts the blame on him for her mother's disappearance. But in order to fullfil the mission, the Yamato must go through battles against the SUS Empire, who intend to spoil humanity's hopes of finding a new place to live in and turn Earth into energy for their own selfish needs.
Im Jahr 2220 steht der Erde eine Krise bevor - ein sich bewegendes schwarzes Loch, das sich ständig ausdehnt. Daraufhin gibt es die Anweisung, 300 Millionen Menschen von der Erde zu evakuieren. Die letzte Transportflotte, die die Menschen evakuiert, wird jedoch angegriffen. Nur dank Space Battleship Yamato, mittlerweile kommandiert von Susumu Kodai, gelingt es, die Situation zu retten. Doch es warten bereits die nächsten Gefahren …
6億人を乗せて第1次、第2次移民船団が出発するが、突如、謎の艦隊の襲撃を受け相次いで消息を絶つ。第1次船団の責任者は、古代 雪……。
宇宙科学局本部長・真田は、伝説の男・雪の夫である古代 進を呼び、第3次移民船団司令として宇宙戦艦ヤマトの艦長に任命する。