The squad are asked to watch over the emergency phone and wait for a call to check it is still in order, so Kanata decides to take responsibility whilst the others go out for various tasks. Before Rio leaves, she gives Kanata a trumpet book, signed by an Iliya Arkadia. Later, Seiya, Mishio and the Priest arrive, and decide to help Kanata practise using a phone, but a mess is made when Mishio spooks Shuko. Yumina arrives at that point, scolds the others and gives Kanata a change of clothes. Afterwards, Kanata needs the toilet but can’t leave her post, so she holds out until Rio comes back. The phone then rings and Rio answers, hearing a voice she’s not too fond of asking her to save Helvetia.
Kanata s'inquiète de voir Rio se refermer sur elle et rester cloitrée dans sa chambre. Ses paroles maladroites parviennent toutefois à toucher la jeune fille qui décide d'emmener Kanata voir une vielle femme vivant dans les montages en bordure de la ville de Seize.