A young girl named Kanata Sorami joins the army with the hope of learning to become a good bugler. She is assigned to a place called Seize, which is currently holding a festival where people splash each other with water. She is found by her superior, Rio Kazumiya, who gives her a bath and tells her about the legend of the Fire Maiden. While looking at a bell owned by Rio’s father, an owl steals it, forcing Rio to stop Kanata falling off the balcony trying to get it. As Rio participates in the festival, Kanata decides to search for the bell. She finds it hanging off a ledge, but when she goes to get it she falls into the lake, where she sees the golden skeleton of a winged creature. Stranded at the bottom of a canyon, she plays her bugle where she is responded to by Rio on her trumpet. She takes her to the Time Telling Fortress and plays the trumpet as the sun rises, introducing herself as Kanata’s bugling teacher.
Dans une ville en ruines, une fillette fait la connaissance d'une femme soldat. Au mains de celle-ci brille une trompette dont le son fascine l'enfant. Des années plus tard, après avoir rejoint l'armée, la jeune Kanata est envoyée dans la ville de Seize pour intégrer sa nouvelle unité. En arrivant à destination, elle découvre que les habitants organisent une fête pour commémorer une vielle légende...