Maka beginnt mit ihrem Kampf gegen Chrona, aber Stein macht sich Sorgen über das Schwarze Blut, das durch Souls Adern fließt. Während Maka und Soul mittels Seelen-Resonanz gegen Chrona kämpfen, muss Soul sich gleichzeitig einer Art innerem Dämon stellen. Der Dämon bietet an, ihm mehr Kraft zu verleihen.
Since Maka wants to face Chrona, Black*Star rushes past and heads further down the hall. Maka immediately starts attacking Chrona, and although her punches have no lasting effect, she is happy to hear her opponents finally acknowledge her as more than just a meal. Chrona counterattacks by using her black blood as a weapon and then by performing a resonance with Ragnarok. Maka manages to withstand the onslaught and initiates a resonance of her own with Soul, and the two enemies face off with their respective powered-up weapons. Unfortunately for Maka, Chrona is able to stop Soul with just her arms and furiously strikes back.
Soul e Maka si trovano a fronteggiare la forza di Crona e la sua arma Ragnarok. I due, sbaragliati dalla forza del loro avversario, cedono alla tentazione del demone impiantato nelle loro menti tramite il sangue nero ed accettano il suo compromesso cedendo alla follia. Nel frattempo Stein e Falce della morte si preparano a combattere contro Medusa.
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Soul y Maka luchan contra Chrona y le dicen a Black Star que siga adelante. Black Star se lo deja a ellos, pero durante la lucha llevan las de perder. El demonio dentro de Soul vuelve a proponerle poder y desenfreno a Soul ¿Podrán tanto el Arma como la Técnica controlar este nuevo poder o les llevará a la locura?.