Futaba is chosen as a program-reg, a voice actress who regularly voices bit parts, in a western anime starring Shiraishi Ryouko. After the first day of recording, Futaba's throat starts acting up from the intense bit part she played, and has to miss a week of recording after getting a cold. While walking home with Futaba the week afterwards and hearing about her determination to keep up with Ichigo and Rin, Shiraishi explains how she got vocal cord nodules from pushing herself too hard and needed throat surgery. Later, as Earphones gets its first solo concert booked, Ichigo takes on the task of choosing and choreographing cover songs to fill the concert's runtime, while everyone also has to try and promote the concert in order to fill their venue. Just as things are progressing, Ichigo ends up spraining her ankle.
Request Corner Song:
"Happy Material" (from Negima! Magister Negi Magi)
双叶的电视节目正式确定了。因此也只是勉强投入Earphones的活动中,所以身体搞坏了。双叶反省着身体的管理也是工作之一。就在这时,有海原也像之前一样定下了很大的live house。但是不出所料,门票的行情似乎很严峻,连失落的时间都没有。莓激励成员在博客或者大型动画庆典等继续努力宣传。门票终于开始有了销量的时候,莓在舞蹈中发生了意外。