In this filler (A.K.A. Useless episode) Lina, Filia and Zelgadis decide to ditch the island. They take a small boat, unaware their is a hole in it. Lucky for them a ship pass by, and they get on it before they could go down with the boat.
To their luck, the ship is haunted. The Captain, in form of a jar, tells them to get rid of the ghost, and gives them food for it. We find out the Captain had a jar obession and would do anything (even lose crew members) for saving his ""precious"" jars.
We find out the ghost was actually a ship mate that is mad at him. He is a ghost because he can't cross over to the other side. Filia reveals she could help and helps him cross over. The Captain then reveals he can finally cross over too.
They are left wandering on a piece of wood (or raft). Filia reveals she took a jar that is decaying. They then realize, whatever that was on the ship must of been really old, and would decay too... including the food!
Lina, Filia et Zelgadis se retrouvent sur un bateau hanté. Ils trouvent le capitaine transformé en jarre qui leur demande de l'aide.
Auf der Suche nach Amelia und Goury landen Lina, Filia und Zelgadis auf einem Segelschiff. Für Filia steht schnell fest: Das muss ein Geisterschiff sein. Tatsächlich stoßen die drei auf Tsuposky, den ehemaligen Kapitän, eingesperrt in einem Krug. Der wird von dem Geist eines Matrosen verfolgt, der seinen Kumpel rächen will, die bei einem Schiffbruch ihr Leben lassen mussten. (Text: Premiere)
Lina, Filia y Zelgadiss escapar de la isla, pero su barco tiene un agujero y que terminan siendo recogido por un barco que resulta que es perseguido. La banda intenta resolver el misterio por lo que el fantasma puede pasar al otro mundo.