The three of them (Lina, Sylphiel, and Zangulus) reach Phibrizzo who reveals he is holding the dead (who ever was killed in the city) as his puppets.
Sylphiel then tells Lina to do a Dragon Slave, and she does. It is no match against Phibrizzo but Sylphiel does a Dragon Slave herself surprising him (and Lina.) When they think they killed him, he shows up for what seems to be their final battle.
Phibrizzo manages to bring Amelia, Zelgadis and Martina to him, and proceeds to slowly kill them off (he is the death master) until she decides to do the Giga Slave spell.
He starts to ""kill"" them one by one which forces her to do it. As Martina has her last breath, she tells Lina to do what she believes in (love with Gourry.) Lina does the spell and indeed lose control, and when it looks like his plan has suceeded, something happens. Lina starts to talk to Phibrizzo.
The person who is actually possessing Lina reveals he is actually the Lord of Nightmares himself. He reveals when someone d
Lina, Sylfile et Zanglus ont réussi à pénétrer dans le temple de Phybrizo pour l'ultime combat. Amélia, Zel et Martina ,eux, sont face aux âmes mortes...
Fibrizio setzt Lina unter Druck: Sollte sie sich weiterhin weigern, den Gigaslave anzuwenden, will er ihre Freunde töten. (Text: Premiere)
El partido de Lina enfrenta Phibrizzo, pero ninguno de su magia trabaja en él. Phibrizzo tiene la intención de tener un uso Lina Giga Slave y dejarlo fuera de control, por lo que trata de hacer exhausta y pulse ella. Zangulus y Sylphiel son golpeados, Zelgadis y otros están confinados en cristales.
모습을 드러낸 피브리조의 목적은 리나가 사용하는 주문기가 슬레이브의 폭주. 즉 로드 오브 나이트메어의 힘으로 이 세상에 파멸을 가져오는 것이었다. 그 의미를 알아챈 리나 인버스는 피브리조를 쓰러트릴 유일한 방법이기도한 기가 슬레이브의 사용을 망설인다. 그런 리나 인버스를 괴롭히기 위해 피브리조는 리나 인버스 동료들의 생명을 빼앗기 시작하고... 결국 가우리의 생명마저 위협당하자 리나는 최후의 결단을 내리게 되는데… 리나는 무사히 동료들을 구할 수 있을까?