Phibrizzo takes Gourry back, and which forces them to go to Sairaag. They reached Sairaag, and eariler reports were true. Sairaag was the city that the Copy Rezo had destoryed, but is suddenly back for no reason.
Further evidence is proven, when Sylphiel manages to meet/hug her dead father. He then reveals they are all dead but was brought to ""life"" by Phibrizzo. Lina tries to get more out of Phibrizzo, but they way that Sylphiel's father and everyone else, he is limited to answer questions.
Although he can answer this... Phibrizzo is in a temple located in the center of the town. Lina and company tries to enter the temple, but it has no doors. Suddenly a door appears, and Lina rushes into, only to have her running back out.
They figure it's something to do with the dimension, but before they could invistage more, they are ""cornered"" by villagers, who doesn't attack. Lina knows they are under Phibrizzo's order, and leave quietly.
Later in midnight, they decide to come up with a
Sylfile et Zanglus sont maintenant dans le groupe. Tous ensemble ils se rendent à Sylorg où Phybrizo semble avoir ressuscité tous les habitants...
Fibrizio soll sich in einem Tempel befinden, dessen Eingang auch mit Hilfe der Magie nicht zu öffnen ist. Als Lina im Alleingang versucht, in den Tempel einzudringen, tappt sie in eine Falle. (Text: Premiere)
El partido de Lina llega a Sairaag para rescatar a Gourry. Sairaag fue destruida por la batalla con el clon de Rezo, pero ahora se ha restablecido como la ciudad de los muertos por la magia de Phibrizzo. Sylphiel y otros se enojan a encontrar información sobre él.
가우리를 조종해 리나 인버스 일행을 공격한 피브리조는 또 한번 리나 인버스에게 사일러그로 올 것을 강요한다. 사일러그에 도착해보니 완전히 파괴된 줄만 알았던 마을이 활기 넘치는 곳으로 변해있는 것 아닌가! 하지만 거기에는 피브리조의 음모가 숨어있었다. 리나 인버스는 마침내 때가 왔음을 느끼고 홀로 피브리조와 싸울 것을 결심한다. 밤을 기다려 혼자서 피브리조의 신전으로 향하는 리나 인버스. 하지만 이를 눈치챈 실피르 역시 함께 따라 붙게되는데 이들의 운명은 어떻게 될 것인가?