Lina was only bluffing that her powers were gone, so when thinking that Kanzel managed to kill Lina by pushing her at the edge of the cliff (and straight down to Seyruun), she manages to get a sneak attack with a Dragon Slave which does little damage. She then amplify her power and uses the Laguna Blade to kill Kanzel.
The problem is Kanzel's power was holding up the little island, and it's heading towards Seyruun.
Lina and company manages to get down before the island, and Xellos sugests to do a magical amplified version of a Dragon Slave. She does it, and it not only blows up the island but a small piece of Seyruun as well.
At the end, they are worried about Lina, saying that Gaav, the Demon Dragon King is after her and why is she linked to it...
Un terrible combat oppose nos amis à Kanzell. L'avenir de Selone est en jeu.
Zwischen Lina und dem Dämon Kanzeil kommt es zum alles entscheidenden Kampf. Außerdem droht ein schwebender Garten auf Seyruun zu stürzen und die Stadt zu vernichten. (Text: Premiere)
El partido de Lina late magenta, y están mentalizados para vencer Kanzel. Sin embargo, el poder de Kanzel era incomparable a magenta de y fuerte. Ellos luchan, pero son arrojados fuera del jardín de aire. Sin embargo, Lina ha recuperado su poder mágico al vencer magenta.
마력으로 공중에 뜬 알프레드의 영지 위에서 칸젤 일당과 대적하게 된 리나 인버스 일행. 마젠다를 간단히 해치웠다 싶었지만 칸젤의 힘은 예상 외로 대단했다. 게다가 힘 겹게 사용한 드래곤 슬레이브마저 효과가 없는 위기 상황에 부딪힌다. 결국 미완성 주문인 라그나 블레이드로 겨우 마족을 쓰러트리지만, 문제는 그 다음이었다! 리나 인버스는 이 위기를 어떻게 헤쳐 나갈 것인가