Lina und Zelgadis haben im Kampf gegen den totgeglaubten Rezo keine Chance und treten die Flucht an. Sie vermuten, daß es sich bei dem wieder aufgetauchten Rezo um einen Klon handelt, denn schließlich haben sie den echten Rezo vor einiger Zeit getötet.
Lina and her friends are shocked to see Rezo alive, standing right in front of them. At the same time, they suspect that Rezo may be a clone just like Vrumugun. They visit the Sorcery Church in order to find out more information about the clones, but discover nothing. Rezo appears again and attacks them with as much power as he used to have in their previous encounter. The Red Priest tries to take the Sword of Light from Gourry and while our heroes struggle to escape, the entire town is engulfed in fire by Rezo's powerful incantation!
Reena y el resto, sorprendidos de ver a Rezo vivo se preguntan si este podría ser un clon o algo similar. Después de que este les lance un ataque brutal, la ciudad de Cylor es completamente aniquilada por la magia del monje rojo, siendo un duro golpe para su nueva amiga, Silfil, quien pierde todo en el ataque. Los héroes se defienden a duras penas del brutal asedio del monje.
리나 인버스 일행은 사일라그에 도착했지만, 그들을 기다린건 적법사 레조. 레조의 파워로 사일라그의 마을이 화염에 휩싸이게 되었다. 이들의 운명은 어떻게 될까?