While performing "Hangon-ko," Yakumo passed out and dreamed of being in a hall of candles, being strangled by the Second Generation Sukeroku. Yotaro's voice brings him back to consciousness, but he won't be getting back on stage. Yotaro was about to get on the ambulance taking Yakumo away, when he heard the voices of the people looking forward to his performance. "I gotta do rakugo." Left behind in the theater, Yotaro steels himself to get up on the stage. His performance? Inokori.
Yakumo a perdu connaissance en terminant sa représentation. Paniqués, ses proches accourent pour le secourir. Alors que son maître est sur le point d’être transporté à l’hôpital, Yota décide de rester sur scène afin de terminer leur spectacle.