The Seventh Generation Yakumo manages to get Kikuhiko and Sukeroku promoted to shin'uchi. But although their unveiling ceremony is a huge success, Sukeroku gets in a fight with the president of the Rakugo Assocation, and insults him by performing his specialty work. When his master takes him to task for his conduct, Sukeroku gives an impassioned speech about his own feelings about rakugo... All the while, Kikuhiko is meeting with Miyokichi to break up with her. Both men's fates are about to take a turn...
La cérémonie de la promotion de Kikuhiko et de Sukeroku entame son dernier jour. À cette occasion, Sukeroku humilie le président du comité du rakugo en jouant sa pièce fétiche juste avant son passage sur scène. Le soir-même, il doit avoir une discussion avec le Grand Maître Yakumo, pendant que Kikuhiko, lui, retourne voir Miyokichi...