Kunihito recovers in hospital. Ryoko orders the survivors of the anti-Medusa operation besides Kunihito disposed of. She makes a press conference announcing the indefinite postponement of the Atlas Settlement Project. Metal Age is outraged and Kuniko decides to use aerial attacks on Atlas. Karin reaps a lot of money in her latest scheme and decides to go shopping outside. However, she wears a bear costume to cope with her fear of communicating with people. Sayoko barges into Ryoko's residence. Kuniko and Takehiko go shopping at Neo-Akihabara for tons of demolition materials and ammo. Ryoko informs Sayoko that the reason Mikuni has not been made successor is because there are two others, but she does not tell her their identities. Kuniko runs into Karin and talks to her, but the girl freaks out and flees. Sayoko tries to hack into Zeus, Atlas' computer system, but is thwarted by Ryoko. Miiko sees Sayoko being led away by Ryoko's men and he picks up Momoko's earring. Momoko wakes up to find herself released and finds her earring and a note from Miiko. As Kuniko and Metal Age plan to attack Atlas with all the forces they have, Momoko returns, to a very much relieved Kuniko.
Devenue Premier Ministre du Japon, Ryôko annonce le gel du projet d'émigration de la population vers Atlas, prétextant que la construction d'Atlas a pris du retard. Révoltée, Kuniko prend une décision radicale : elle veut mener le Metal-Age à envahir Atlas...
鳴瀬涼子がついに本格的に動き始めた! 総理大臣の地位を手に入れた彼女は、アトラスへの移住計画を完全に凍結。メタルエイジの掃討作戦に乗り出した。
¡Ryoko Naruse finalmente ha comenzado a moverse en serio! Habiendo adquirido el puesto de Primera Ministra, congeló por completo su plan de mudarse a Atlas. Se embarcó en una operación de barrido de la era de los metales. Mientras tanto, Sayoko visita al "viejo amigo" Ryoko, quien se convirtió en el primer ministro. Ryoko desdeña su existencia con el mayor desprecio por Sayoko, quien le ruega a Mikuni que sea la próxima líder de Atlas. Mientras tanto, Kuniko se estaba preparando para el día siguiente comprando una gran cantidad de armas en Akihabara.