Someone has broken uncle Bob's new TV, but none of the kids are talking. Aunt Corey and uncle Bob are determined to find out the truth. They divide the kids up and listen to their individual stories, which turn out to be very different. In Robbie's story, Ethan's the villain who interrupts Robbie's science time to watch a programme he's seen many times before. In Ethan's version, Robbie is the culprit. Getting nowhere, Aunt Corey and Uncle Bob try to find out from Matt what happened since he was in charge. Unfortunately, he's not much help because he was completely distracted. Chris tries to help, but his story is undecipherable. Fearing the worse for everyone, Ginger comes clean and takes responsibility. But even that story turns out to be a lie. In the end, the mystery is solved, but not before aunt Corey reveals a secret of her own.