Ethan and Uncle Bob discover an old map that leads to 200-year-old pirate treasure somewhere in the garden. They secretly go about digging holes around the property, hoping to strike it rich. Unfortunately, Aunt Corey trips in one of the holes and sprains her ankle. While Aunt Corey is stuck inside, Uncle Bob and Ethan continue their search. Matt, however, knows a secret about the map - it is fake! The map was originally one of his geography projects that he buried years ago in hopes of tricking Ethan and Robbie. Matt had long forgotten it, but now that it is back in play, Matt plans on using it to get back at Ethan for some hurtful remarks he made earlier in the day. When Uncle Bob and Ethan discover Matt and Robbie's ruse, they turn the tables on them. Ginger, meanwhile, has an odd conversation with a friend of hers from Australia. It seems that Ginger's accent has become more British and less Aussie over the last year.