Kenshin and the rest are walking through the forest, they end up going to a restaurant to eat, and when the time came to pay for it, Kenshin had lost Kaoru's money. Kenshin and the rest offered to work off the money. Kaoru and Misao were making trips to send people their meal and accidentally went into the wrong room. Later that night Misao and Kaoru were in the hot springs and they spotted someone. They realized it was an artist seeking inspiration and Kaoru was it. The artist had fallen in love with Kaoru but Kaoru was in love with Kenshin, Misao had an idea and told Sanosuke, Sanosuke told the artist if he can hit Kenshin he will hook him up with Kaoru. No matter how hard the artist tried he couldn't hit Kenshin. Finally he got his inspiration and drew a portrait of Kaoru and gave it her. Kenshin and the rest left and saw Kaoru's picture, it was an abstract drawing and they laughed while running away.
Kenshin e seus amigos param em uma hospedaria. Eles desfrutam do local, mas Kenshin percebe que seu bolso está furado e o dinheiro de todos se perdeu pelo caminho. Então todos resolvem trabalhar para pagar a conta. Um jovem artista encontra sua inpiração perdida na figura de Kaoru e pede para que ela pose para um retrato.
Kenshin y el resto están caminando por el bosque, terminan yendo a un restaurante a comer, y cuando llegó el momento de pagarlo, Kenshin había perdido el dinero de Kaoru. Kenshin y el resto se ofrecieron a trabajar con el dinero. Kaoru y Misao estaban haciendo viajes para enviar a la gente su comida y accidentalmente entraron en la habitación equivocada.
Quand Kenshin perd accidentellement tout son argent, la Force de Paix doit aller travailler dans une auberge pour payer sa facture.
도쿄로 향하던 도중 온천 마을에 들르게 된 켄신 일행. 하지만 켄신이 지갑을 잃어버리는 바람에 이들은 여기서 한동안 여관 일을 돕게 된다. 한편 이 여관엔 화가 지망생이 한 명 묵고 있었는데 그 사람은 카린을 보는 순간 한눈에 반하고 카린을 모델로 그림을 그리고 싶다 말한다.