Kenshin descobre o real motivo de Saito tê-lo abordado e fica sabendo de uma situação preocupante.
L’actuel ministre de l’Intérieur, Toshimichi Ôkubo, interrompt le combat entre Kenshin et Hajime Saitô. L’homme politique, dont le rôle est important, dévoilera au vagabond ses raisons et ce qu’il espère de lui.
The person who had sent Hajime to face Kenshin was none other than the Head of the Home Ministry, former Satsuma Domain Revolutionary warrior, Toshimichi Okubo. He asks Kenshin to go to Kyoto to stop the secret plans of a man who claims to be the legitimate successor of the Hitokiri Battosai. However, that man was supposed to have been killed 10 years ago by his own comrades in the government, as they regarded him as a threat. Receiving this request to conduct an assassination, what will Kenshin's answer be...?
La aparición de Okubo hace que el enfrentamiento entre Kenshin y Saito se detenga abruptamente. Y entonces, Okubo le cuenta la realidad de su plan.
Der Innenminister Ōkubo versucht Kenshin zu überreden, den Attentäter Shishio in Kyōto zu ermorden. Er gibt ihm bis zum 14. Mai Zeit, sich dies zu überlegen. An diesem Tag kommt es jedoch zu einem anderen historischen Anschlag …
켄신에게 하지메를 보낸 것은 옛 사츠마범 유신지사이자 내무성의 수장 오오쿠보 도시미치였다. 칼잡이 발도재의 실실적인 후계자였던 어떤 남자가 교토에서 암약하고 있다며 그를 막아 달라고 하는데. 그 남자는 10년 전 그를 위험시한 정부로부터-- 즉, 동료의 손에 말살당했을 터였다. 그 암살을 의뢰받은 켄신의 대답은?