At the same event as the previous episode, Subaru found Crusch and asked her what she learnt from the event, awhile later Priscilla joins in the conversation. Subaru thought that Priscilla is about to say unpleasant things about the attendees of the event however to his surprise she express positive interest in them. Priscilla then forcefully drags Subaru to the 18+ section of the event with Crusch in tow.
在与前一集相同的活动中,昴找到了库珥修,询问她从这次活动中学到了什么,过了一会儿普莉希拉也加入了谈话。 昴以为普莉希拉是要对参加活动的人说一些负面的话,但令他惊讶的是,普莉希拉却展现了极强的兴趣。 随后,她强行将昴拖到了赛事的 18+ 赛段,库珥修也跟着一起。
Subaru traîne toujours dans un étrange festival qui ressemble à s’y méprendre au Comiket, quand il croise Crusch qui vient s’informer sur ce qu’aime le peuple.