Die Jungen entdecken ein Familienfoto von Setsuko. Weil Schildkröte seine Familie im Krieg verloren hat, schlägt sie vor, ein ähnliches Foto von ihnen zu machen. Bruder und Setsuko verbringen einen Abend allein und wünschen sich, ihr Glück möge für immer andauern. Aber Sasaki und Ishihara führen wieder Böses im Schilde… (Text: Amazon Channels)
Sakuragi begins training Mario in boxing so he can win his next match. Turtle takes a job selling black market goods. At the school, Soldier learns that he's been accepted in the Japanese Defense Force and will be leaving the reformatory early. At the farmhouse, Setsuko suggests she and boys take a photo and later borrows a camera from a coworker at the hospital. Dr. Sasaki overhears her conversation and sends Ishihara to follow her, discovering Sakuragi's location. When they're alone, Setsuko confesses her feelings to Sakuragi. Sakuragi and Turtle accompany Mario to his next match, unaware Ishihara is following them. Turtle goes to the nearby market before the match, but is caught by the police. Learning Ishihara was responsible, Turtle attempts to phone the others. Lilly tells Sakuragi and Mario about Turtle being caught and Sakuragi leaves to find a phone. Mario begins his match determined to win. Elsewhere, Dr. Sasaki plots to dispose of both Sakuragi and Ishihara, who is now using speed and has become a liability.
Sakuragi comienza a entrenar a Mario en el boxeo para que pueda ganar su próximo combate. Turtle toma un trabajo vendiendo productos del mercado negro. En la escuela, Soldier descubre que ha sido aceptado en la Fuerza de Defensa japonesa y que abandonará el reformatorio temprano.
Sakuragi inizia ad allenare Mario nella boxe in modo che possa vincere la sua prossima sfida. Mandibola accetta un lavoro come venditore di merci al mercato nero.
Sakuragi, Setsuko, Mario et Suppon connaissent un bonheur fugace. Sakuragi et Setsuko s’aiment ; Mario s’entraîne à la boxe ; Suppon gagne son pain quotidien au marché noir. Néanmoins, une ombre plane de nouveau sur eux. En effet, Sasaki et Ishihara sont tout proches d'eux…