Block 2 steht in Flammen. Bruder, der ebenfalls in der Bibliothek war, eilt den Freunden zu Hilfe. Doch ein Stück des Dachs bricht ein und begräbt ihn unter sich. Währenddessen sucht Aufgeflogen verzweifelt nach dem Schlüssel zu Zelle 6, den Ishihara absichtlich weggeworfen hatte. (Text: Amazon Channels)
Uncovered can't believe Sakuragi would risk his own life for someone else, believing that you can only rely on yourself. Sakuragi arrives at the cell, but can't open the door. The building begins to collapse and Sakuragi is knocked down by flaming debris. Outside, Uncovered searches for the lost cell key and locates its. Ishihara arrives and demands the key but Uncovered refuses to give it up. Uncovered enters the building and saves Sakuragi and the others. They escape and then Sakuragi knocks out the shocked Ishihara. Sakuragi is taken to the hospital to recover from his injuries. He tells a nurse about how he greatly admired his father, a soldier. However, after the war, his father returned home a broken man. One night, Sakuragi confronted his father saying he had lost all respect for him. A short time later, Sakuragi's father commits suicide. Sakuragi believes he 'murdered' his father, because he didn't try to understand his father's pain and believes his hurtful words drove his father to kill himself. Sakuragi doesn't want to lose anyone else important to him and that the other boys are his best friends. Overhearing this story, the bond between the seven becomes even stronger.
Descubierto no puede creer que Sakuragi arriesgaría su propia vida por otra persona, creyendo que solo puedes confiar en ti mismo. Sakuragi llega a la celda, pero no puede abrir la puerta. El edificio comienza a colapsar y Sakuragi es derribado por escombros en llamas. Afuera, Descubierto busca la clave de celda perdida y la localiza. Ishihara llega y exige la llave, pero Uncovered se niega a entregarla.
Bronzo non riesce a credere che Sakuragi rischierebbe la propria vita per qualcun altro, credendo che si possa fare affidamento solo su sé stessi. Sakuragi arriva alla cella, ma non riesce ad aprire la porta.
Baremoto découvre qu’il a pour la première fois des amis. Il décide de braver Ishihara pour voler à leur secours, au milieu des flammes. Tous s’en sortent indemnes, à l’exception de Sakuragi, qui se remet de ses blessures à l’hôpital. C’est l’occasion pour lui de révéler quelques éléments de son passé.